The abstract (for oral or poster communication) can be submitted in Portuguese or in English, and must carefully follow the format and indications in the templates that are available in the Congress website. Abstracts that are not following that format may not be considered by the Scientific Commission. The communications presented during the Congress can be submitted for the Proceedings to be edited and published by the Springer.
Presentation of communications (oral or poster) requires at least the first author to be registered.
Students interested in scholarships to participate in this event must send an extended abstract following the Rules for scholarships for the Congress 2021, also available at the website. Regardless of the scholarship application, the students also must submit the abstract/resumo following the instructions in the templates. Scholarship applications are only accepted for submissions to oral communications.
The abstract must be written in LaTex according to the templates available. It must be submitted in TeX and PDF format. Macros and user-defined commands will not be allowed in the Tex file format;
The abstract must be identified by the First Name and Surname of the participant that will deliver the presentation (Firstname_Surname.tex and Firstname_Surname.pdf);
The abstract can be written in English (spe2021_abstract) or in Portuguese (spe2021_resumo) and it should not exceed 1 page.