Welcome to the webpage of the XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE),
If you work in a data-driven field, then this is your Meeting! Our Congresses are the main forum of discussion of SPE; it is where we break new ground, brainstorm, meet, and network with Statisticians and other data-driven professionals from Universities, Research Institutes, Laboratories, Industry, Government, Official Statistics, Regulators, and other Stakeholders. At this time, we will be celebrating the fact that SPE is entering a new cycle—after its 40th anniversary.
Proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer. Submissions from related areas are welcome, including those of Artificial Intelligence, Actuarial Sciences, Machine Learning, Operational Research, and Risk Management.
Due to COVID-19, this year the meeting will be hosted on-line; otherwise, we would have met in Évora—a charming and historical city that is a UNESCO world heritage site.
Come and join us on-line at SPE 2021 — we look forward to e-meet you.
Miguel de Carvalho
— President of the Portuguese Statistical Society